Priests should thrive, not just survive.
Many priests live on survival mode — caring for everyone else’s needs at the expense of their own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. While part of being a shepherd is “laying down one’s life so others might live,” carrying this out to the neglect of a priest’s own self-care over decades of ministry is not sustainable, and is ultimately to the detriment not only of the priest but also his flock.
Priests Thriving Not Surviving, Inc. is dedicated to encouraging and empowering priests to practice good self-care in all areas of life so they can not just survive life feeling burned out, but thrive in their ministries and priesthood.
Our Mission
Encourage and empower Catholic priests and seminarians to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle, and engage in good self-care.
Provide access to resources to help priests and seminarians thrive physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Raise awareness among the lay faithful of the temporal and spiritual needs of priests and seminarians, and promote works of mercy for our priests.

Keep Us in Your Prayers
Looking for other ways to support us? Join us in prayer. Through prayer, we can work to empower priests to live longer, healthier lives.

About Us
Priests Thriving Not Surviving, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, which strives to be faithful to the magisterium of the Catholic Church.